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Scholars Academy Trust

Scholars Academy Trust


While Scholars Trust does not seek to impose central policies on schools, there have to be some policies which are common across the Trust e.g. HR policies. These have been developed by the Trust in consultation with the senior teams and staff. Such common policy development also saves individual schools from having to 're-invent the wheel' when statutory policies need reviewing or updating thereby improving efficiency. 

  1. Absence Management Policy - Scholars Academy Trust 2024 - 2026.pdf
  2. 07.a Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy Includes Gifts and Hospitality 2024.pdf
  3. Appeals Policy.pdf
  4. Charging policy 2023-25.pdf
  5. Child protection & Safeguarding Policy 2024.pdf
  6. Close relationships at work and conflicts of interest policy 23-25.pdf
  7. Code of Conduct 2023.pdf
  8. Code of Conduct for Scholars Local Governing Body.docx
  9. Code of Conduct for Scholars Trust Board.docx
  10. Code of Conduct for Scholars Members.docx
  11. Complaints policy 2024.pdf
  12. Confidentiality Policy.pdf
  13. Data Protection policy signed.pdf
  14. Debt policy 2022.pdf
  15. Disciplinary policy 2024.pdf
  16. Equality Policy 23-25.pdf
  17. Exclusions Policy- Scholars 23-24.pdf
  18. Flexible working Policy 2023.pdf
  19. Finance Policy 2022.pdf
  20. Grievance Policy 2022.docx.pdf
  21. Health and Safety Policy 2024.pdf
  22. Investment policy.pdf
  23. IT Security Policy 2023.pdf
  24. Leave Of Absence Policy.pdf
  25. Maternity, Adoption & Paternity Policy 2023.pdf
  26. Password Policy 2023-25.pdf
  27. Probation policy for support staff.pdf
  28. RESERVES POLICY 21.pdf
  29. Risk Assessment Policy 2024.doc
  30. Risk Management policy .pdf
  31. Remuneration and Expenses Policy.pdf
  32. Scholars Academy Trust Appraisal and Capability Policy (002).pdf
  34. School Lettings Policy 2023.pdf
  35. Scheme of Delegation / Terms of Reference 2022.pdf
  36. Social Media Policy 2024.doc
  37. Staff Overseas Travel Policy and Procedure.docx
  38. Terms of Reference 2021.docx
  39. Top slicing policy signed.pdf
  40. Trust Businesss continuity Plan Nov 23.pdf
  41. Whistle Blowing Policy 2022 .pdf