Governance Support
Governors play an important part in supporting the leadership team to achieve the school aims and vison for their pupils. The trust board will assist with the following:-
• Provide clerking support
• Pay for LA governor services
The Trust Board has supported schools by providing a professional lead on governance who has supported governing bodies with
• Inducting new governors
• Analysing skills audits
• Support during OFSTED through ensuring governors had the relevant information
• Providing summaries of current requirements within schools so that everyone is up-to-date
• Training for the in school clerks on a regular basis by formulating draft agendas, directing clerks on matters arising, communication with governors and timely reminders on things that need to be sent out.
The above has taken the burden away from the clerks so that there is a central point of contact for them and for chairs of governors should the need arise. This accessibility relieves considerable pressure on senior leadership teams when trying to do the day job and provide paperwork for governing bodies. The trust is also paid for the LA governor services which schools are utilising for training and information.
• Support Chairs and Vice Chairs – This has been provided through the chair and Vice chair of the trust who meets with the chairs and Vice chairs of the governing bodies to update and discuss school matters.
• Provide a forum for governors to share good practice – at the start of the year governors met together to look at good practice and it is an area that could be further developed as the trust grows.
• Provide advice and support for governors on schools matters, i.e. finance, legal, staffing, school improvement – much of this work has been through the head teachers and the training that the governors have received.